The Waiting Room

The Waiting Room unpolishes the mystified reality of the auteur director” (Firat Yücel, Altyazi). Probably Demirkubuz's most personal work-he produced, directed, wrote, shot, edited, and even stars in the film-The Waiting Room is the story of Ahmet (Demirkubuz), an internationally respected film director facing a creative crisis. He has signed on to do an adaptation of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, but he simply can't work up any enthusiasm for the project. Meanwhile, his relationship with his girlfriend is clearly in trouble. When he catches a burglar in his apartment, an idea dawns on him: to cast the burglar as Raskolnikov. Demirkubuz faces the dilemma of the modern artist: in a time when artists' lives are even better known than their artworks, how much must these artworks reflect their authors? Can the ideas expressed in a film be separated from those of the filmmaker-and how should those ideas affect the author's life? Deliberately unsettling, The Waiting Room offers no easy answers.

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