Walkman Blues

"A young musician (played with fetching directness by Heikko Deutschmann), a recent arrival from Hamburg, lives in a Berlin attic, works in a slaughterhouse, and spends his time wandering through the streets and expanses of the foreign city, taping sounds, collecting impressions. One night he listens to the British group, the Blurt, at the Loft on Nollendorfplatz and meets a photographer from London with whom he spends some time before she returns to England. As with other New Berlin Films, the attempt to summarize plot at best touches the surface of things and in no way accords to the actual richness and texture of the viewing experience.... (Behrens') film work aims to capture 'things in their concreteness,' to expose the everyday world which our deadened senses, pressured by the pragmatics and intentionalities of daily routines, tend to obscure and ignore.... The city, its objects and locales, never become symbols for something else.... Berlin in Behrens' film is indeed a winter city, but this is no metaphorical contrivance. It is rather a seasonal backdrop allowing us pristine perspectives on otherwise ignored sectors of reality, stark and frozen images that refuse to dissolve into a narrative flow." Eric Rentschler

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