Saturday, Apr 24, 2010
2:00 pm
Way of Nature
Sit back and let the daily grinds and digital blur of our modern predicament wash away as you witness this mostly wordless meditation on the seasonal ebb and flow of life's rhythms on a remote Swedish farm. Sights and sounds build to create an elegantly subtle drama of various daily chores seamlessly interspersed with beautifully reserved shots of falling snow, snoozing dogs and goats, blooming spring flowers, roaming livestock, dense forests, lush pastures, and birthing cows and horses. Immersed in, and treated to, images that nourish, relax, and, at times, astonish, one begins to appreciate the subtleties and trials of a life outside of our own. Time-honed tasks are observed as rituals that seem to pull us back to a primal past where the handmade and hard-won repetitions of kneading and molding cheese, shoveling manure, collecting eggs, fitting animals with neck-bells, fence building, and milking become the dialogue of the film and the diverse animals its main mesmerizing characters. At certain points, the film's welcome languid pace slows a beat more to show exquisitely rendered close-ups of animal bodies. Revealing magnificent patterns and textures upon their hides, fur, and feathers, they become visuals that might make a fiber artist dream or an Abstract Expressionist weep. Even the construction of wooden fences takes on an ancient quality that seems to speak to us of Nordic roots when we view the distinct beauty of the final creation. Here, on but one farm, far from the hype of “green” marketing, it is-and always has been-a generational necessity to toil with, promote, and nourish biodiversity and sustainability. Thus, for these people, the “way of nature” is simply the way of life.
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