This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Passionate, lively, and inspiring, This Is What Democracy Looks Like was compiled from hundreds of hours of footage shot by over a hundred media activists in Seattle during the protests against the World Trade Organization and calls for humanely guided economic policies. While behind-the-scenes meetings and agreements weren't readily available to the cameras, the tens of thousands of people on the street were. And what they encountered was a police force armed with batons and CS gas ready to discard their constitutional rights. In stark contrast to mainstream news footage that characterized the demonstrators as unruly and the police as doing a good job, this footage recalls the antiwar protests of the sixties-it depicts a movement that is inventive, collective, and essential. Animated by a highly visual graphic sense-social-activist media never looked so good-Democracy includes insightful interviews with labor, youth, environmental, and international activists, groups which forged ground-breaking alliances in Seattle.-Kathy Geritz

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