When a Man Loves and Vitaphone Shorts

During the brief twilight between the end of the silent era and the birth of the talkie, When a Man Loves was the featured component of the third film program presented by Warner Bros. in their new synchronized, sound-on-disk technology, Vitaphone. These programs consisted of shorts packed with world-class musical talent of the day, and a feature in intertitled silent-film format with Vitaphone recorded sound accompaniment. The UCLA preservations recreate the original opening night of When a Man Loves at New York's Selwyn Theatre on February 3, 1927, when these shorts were shown: Quartet from Rigoletto (1927) with soprano Marion Talley, tenor Beniamino Gigli, contralto Jeanne Gordon, baritone Guiseppi De Luca. (9 mins, 35mm, Preserved by The Library of Congress Motion Picture Conservation Center)Charles Hackett (1927), tenor Hackett sings "Questa o quella" and "La Donna e mobile" from Rigoletto. (7 mins, 35mm, Preservation funded by George Eastman House)

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