Where Danger Lives

This bizarre, all-but-forgotten noir is filled with incongruities that make it work, as Steve Jenkins points out in a Monthly Film Bulletin revival: "The gulf between the characters, the emptiness of the narrative, and the sense of things that don't quite fit...combine to give Where Danger Lives an edge of bleakness striking even in its generic context." Young doctor Mitchum is lured into complicity with a disturbed female patient whose husband (Claude Rains) is murdered; as the two flee from Northern California to the Mexican desert, they find themselves in a series of disconnected, almost surreal situations (such as arriving in a cowboy town and being threatened for having broken the rules of "Whisker Week"). Faith Domergue's pouting portrayal of a woman bordering on a breakdown precludes any pretext to romance; this relationship is something else entirely--solid noir.

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