The Whistling Cobblestone (A sápoló macskakó)

Gazdag's exhilarating first feature is a candid exposé of the credibility gap between old-guard revolutionaries and the children of the revolution. A group of teenage boys from Budapest spend their summer holiday at a rural work camp to help the peasants bring in the harvest. Everything in the camp is highly organized-except that the crops aren't ready for harvesting. The supervisors try their best to hide this minor detail from the boys, who suffer through the boredom of "improvised" games and heartwarming moral lectures until the braver souls among them rebel and run away. They meet a Frenchman who tells them about the Paris uprisings of May '68 and makes their mouths water for a real attack on authority. Alternately funny and caustic, the film is totally believable, the idealism and rebellion of the boys (played by actual students) universal in its relevance.

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