Sunday, May 31, 1998
The Wind
Lillian Gish is a Virginia belle who naively relocates to her cousin's "beautiful" ranch on the Texas prairie. Immediately she is hit by a windstorm, and the wind never stops. With neither home nor money of her own, she marries a coarse and ridiculous cowhand whose touch she abhors. This astonishing landscape film penetrates an inner landscape of desolation through the drama of nature, evocatively lit and shadowed in the manner of Victor Sjöstrom's (in Hollywood, Seastrom) best Swedish films. In the opening sequences with her animate windblown hat, Gish seems to carry a glow into the glowering skies. But she is to be as transformed by the blistering winds as her cowboy husband (Lars Hanson) is by love. A project that Lillian Gish gave to Frances Marion-that is, two of Hollywood's most successful women-The Wind is an eloquent and stark picture of what it is to be a woman left unprotected to the elements.
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