Wednesday, Jan 7, 1987
The Wolf Girl (Die Wolfsbraut)
A graduate of the Lothar Lambert school of shameless aesthetics (she acts in all of his films, he edits and appears in some of hers), Dagmar Beiersdorf nevertheless does it her way. (In Desert of Love, she can be heard complaining that Lambert's films are too cruel, and lack a certain je ne sais quoi in the romance department.) The Wolf Girl follows the plight of a successful film director, Mascha (Imke Barnstedt), who runs up against middle age and sagging gag lines at the same time and decides to drop out for a spell. "For God's sake, emancipate yourself!" her dismayed boyfriend (Albert Heins) whines. She does, leaving him for another woman, known as Dennis the Wolf Girl (Martine Felton), whom she encounters in a movie theater cleaning up cigarette butts. Into their precarious love affair comes the happy and flamboyant transvestite Marilyn (Lothar Lambert of course) to confuse the issue.
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