The Woman Men Long For (U.S. Title: Three Loves) (Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt)

“One of the major surprises of this film is how svelte and alluring Dietrich appears just three films before her plump cabaret singer in The Blue Angel. Another is what a glossy Hollywood look it all has, a foreshadowing of director Bernhardt's later work at Warner Brothers. Dietrich is most effective (though seemingly not personally convinced of her own sensuality) in her first man-destroying vamp role, and poor Fritz Kortner dishes out and receives the same kind of mental torment that was his lot in his association with Louise Brooks in Pandora's Box. Print quality is stunningly good; at present it has only German intertitles, which hopefully may be replaced by English ones before our showing, but even if not it is a very easy film to follow and live translation will be provided.” William K. Everson

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