Sunday, May 7, 2000
Works from the Eisner Awards Competition
The Eisner prizes are the highest awards given at the University of California for creativity in the arts. The 1999 Eisner prizes in film and video were awarded to Ming-hui Chen, Jennifer Madsen, Joel Median, Shannon Morzov, and Laurie Thomas, for No Trespassing: Sovereignty at Risk; and Corey Creasey for Pallindrome. This year's film jury, Berkeley faculty members Marilyn Fabe (Film), Kathy Geritz (Film), Anne Nesbet (Film/Slavic Languages and Literature), Kevin Radley (Art), and Lewis Watts (Visual Studies), has selected eight entries to be screened this evening in addition to the prize-winning works. The screening will be complemented by a program containing written descriptions by the artists.
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