Works from the Eisner Awards Competition

The Eisner prizes are the highest awards given at the University of California for creativity in the arts. The 2000 Eisner prizes in film and video were awarded to Daniel Carrera for Requiem and Brett Simon for Switch Fish. This year's film jury, Berkeley faculty members Stephen Best (English), Marilyn Fabe (Film), Kathy Geritz (Film), Mira Kopell (Film), and Irina Leimbacher (Anthropology), has selected eight entries to be screened this evening in addition to the prize-winning works. The screening will be complemented by a program containing written descriptions by the artists.A Clip by Ron Eyal (3 mins, Mini-DV). 12 Year Old Caucasian Male by Gabriel Peters-Lazaro (4:30 mins, Mini-DV). Poetry in Motion by Bond Ren, Robin Goka, Josah Perley (16 mins, Mini-DV). A Story by James Naish (4 mins, B&W, Video). The Art of Shoplifting by Camille Acey, Amarina Kealoha (7:30 mins, Mini-DV). haunted by Stephanie Chen (2001, 6 mins, Mini-DV). Ojos by Juan Vince Navarro (2 mins, Video). El Cucui by Breca Rodriguez Griswold, Jaime Lozano, Monica Serafin, Brandon Wero (12:30 mins, Video). Eisner Prize Winners: Requiem by Daniel E. Carrera (15 mins, B&W/Color, Video). Switch Fish by Brett Simon (7 mins, Mini-DV).

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