Wrestling Grounds

One of the most vibrant African films in recent memory, Wrestling Grounds hits the mat hard with its vision of a world virtually unknown outside Africa: Senegalese wrestling, a national obsession steeped in tradition, yet flavored with the music, money, and flair of the twenty-first century. Here traditional griots proclaim the deeds of muscle-bound heroes over the bass of booming sound systems, while well-groomed wrestlers pay homage to both ancestral spirits and stiletto-heeled sirens. A chance encounter introduces quiet teenager Nalla to the powerful yet graceful wrestling champion Andre, who shows the boy the sport's athleticism and beauty, and its respectful connection to Senegalese culture. Cutting from hypnotically filmed shirtless training sequences on the beach to side stories referencing Senegalese folk legends and art, Wrestling Grounds is a primer on not only contemporary African popular culture, but how that culture is still influenced by the past. The film is based on the best-selling novel by noted author Aminata Sow Fall.

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