Wednesday, Apr 2, 1997
X-The Man with X-Ray Eyes
Preceded by short: An/Aesthetic (James Barrett, Robin Forster, U.K., 1994). Gay men in X-rayed poses are viewed in all their irreducible humanity. (5:20 mins, 3/4" video, From the artists) Ray Milland stars as Dr. Xavier, a scientist frustrated by the physical limitations of human vision, in X-The Man with X-Ray Eyes, Roger Corman's existential treatise on insatiable scopophilia. After successfully testing a potent X-ray eyedrop solution on a laboratory monkey, Xavier blatantly violates proper scientific method (but adheres strictly to mad-scientist movie etiquette) by immediately using himself as subject. His X-ray peepers are good for fun and games early on (they see through clothing, help him win when gambling, etc.), but when his vision grows strong enough to see all the way to eternity, drastic measures must be taken. Terrific low-budget special effects make this one of Corman's best films from the early sixties.-Albert Kilchesty
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