Friday, Oct 12, 1979
“Holocaust” Research Project - The Impact of the NBC-TV Series in West Germany and Berlin
The “Holocaust” Research Project developed out of the program in Media and Literature Studies at Berlin's Technical University. The emphasis of research in this program lies in the fields of history and critique of the media, theory and topics of cross-cultural communication. Dr. Friedrich Knilli, Professor of Literature at the Technical University, who has conducted seminars and lectures on “Antisemitism as Entertainment” and “‘Holocaust'--German Antisemitism in Cross Cultural Communication,” will appear tonight with students from the research project to present a slide lecture and 40-minute film on the reception in West Germany and Berlin West of the American NBC-TV series “Holocaust.” Following their presentation, there will be discussion between project members and the audience. Dr. Knilli and his students are touring the U.S. in continuation of the research project which, when completed, will include a comparison of American and German reactions to “Holocaust.”
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