Hi Mom!

A kind of sequel to Greetings, with DeNiro playing the part taken by Jonathan Warden in the earlier film, now returning from Vietnam, trying to reintegrate into the changing culture. "Hi Mom! was so loose we had to find a shape for it in the cutting-room. There were three sections in it: the spoof of educational television, the 'N.I.T. Journal' which ended the 'Be Black, Baby' play; the 'Housewife's Diary' where a woman kind of studies her life from the interior of a co-op and a returned veteran who was a voyeur following it all about trying to make an exploitation movie for Joe Banner. Again, this is like Murder a la Mod, with three film realities weaving in and out of each other. This is something I've done in movie after movie, trying to find a way to make it work. Unfortunately Hi Mom! is too unintegrated: it doesn't work. Like Greetings, it is a contemporary statement of what was going on in my life and the lives around me at that period...." --Brian De Palma

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