Lucifer Rising

Kenneth Anger's newly released, expanded edition of Lucifer Rising, a film which has been ten years in the making, “constitutes a major new work by one of the American independent cinema's most fascinating auteurs...(and is) perhaps his most amibitious work to date: its subject - Lucifer, the fallen angel - has possessed and inspired Anger for a decade. Christian theology views Lucifer as the personification of evil; Anger's task was to depict him as a bringer of light, God's beautiful but rebellious favorite. To do this, Anger traveled to spots called holy by sun-worshippers (Lucifer Rising was shot on location in Egypt, Germany, Iceland, Great Britain and India) and returned with footage containing some of the most striking lighting effects ever captured on film .... (I)n the past ten years, Anger's Lucifer Rising has consistently displayed magnificent landscape and seascape cinematography as well as memorable performances by Marianne Faithful, Anger himself (as The Magus), and prominent members of London's cultural scene. For the expanded edition, however, Anger has recut the entire work, adding a haunting music track recorded behind the walls of Tracy Prison by his original Lucifer, Bobby Beausoleil, now serving a life sentence there....” --American Federation of the Arts

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