Hollywood Boulevard

“‘Shamelessly Loaded With Sex And Violence' is the tag-line on the lobby posters for Hollywood Boulevard - and it's no lie! Hollywood Boulevard is a hilarious action-comedy, set in the world of low-budget movies, starlets on the make, and hot-tempered exploitation queens. But it's also a marvelous, precisely-observed, in-joke self-satire on Corman's New World Pictures, featuring guest appearances by exploitation directors Jonathan (White Line Fever) Kaplan as an inept assistant director, Paul (Death Race 2000) Bartel as egomaniac director Erich Von Leppe, and Barbara (Summer School Teachers) Peeters as a Drive In Mother. Sharp-eyed viewers will also spot film critics Todd McCarthy and Joe McBride, Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen, and any number of old Corman hands in small parts.
“Directed for a song (and dance) by two talented New World editors, Joe Dante (Piranha) and Allan Arkush (Disco High), Hollywood Boulevard pirates all its action scenes from New World outtakes and stock shots - simultaneously saving money and providing a virtual catalogue of recent New World product....” --Michael Goodwin

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