In Search of Famine

September 7, 1980: A film crew comes to a village to make a film about a famine which killed five million Bengalis in 1943. It was a man-made famine, a side-product of the war, and the filmmakers will recreate the tragedy of those millions who died of starvation.
The film documents the convivial life amongst the film crew and the hazards, problems, and tension of filmmaking on location. The actors live a double life and the villagers, both simple and not so simple folk, watch their work with wonder and amusement.
But as the film progresses, the recreated past begins to confront the present. The uneasy coexistence of 1943 and 1980 reveals a bizarre connection, involving a village woman whose visions add a further dimension of time - that of the future. A disturbing situation, indeed, for the famine seekers.

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