Porklips Now, Hardware Wars & Shorts plus Quasi at the Quackadero & Other Cartoons

Sally Cruikshank Animation
“Sally Cruikshank is on the forefront of a new and very curly wave of personal animation which sees no conflict between the old theatrical cartoons and contemporary styles and sensibilities. From her first films such as Ducky and Fun on Mars we can see the bouncing energy and innocence of Thirties cartoons and the chromatic fantasies and details of new age illustration.... Cruikshank is one of the few independent animators who, like ol' Looney Tunes, has grown and defined the characters from one picture to the next. A working animator in residence at the Gregg Snazelle Studio in San Francisco, she has won awards for Levi's commercials as well as for talking ducks.”--1981 Bay Area Filmmakers Showcase.
Ducky (1971, 3 mins, color): The first breath of Duck is seen in Cruikshank's initial experiment in making her drawings move, in pastel pastiches that bounce to a zappy soundtrack. Fun on Mars (1971, 4-1/2 mins, color): The Perennial American Tourists visit a mellow Mars populated by gregarious ducks who dance, surf and party all night. Make Me Psychic (1979, 8 mins, color): The trio of Quasi, Anita and Rollo survive to return in this highly stylized, Art-Deco chamber drama of sophisticated intrigue and irreverence. Chow Fun (1972, 4-1/2 mins, color): Addicts of Chinese food recognize the pun of the title. The color and rhythm of imagery match the infectious beat of the soundtrack from the old 78 rpm records that Cruikshank collects so lovingly. Quasi at the Quackadero (1975, 10 mins, color): Ablaze with the rich color of painted cels, Quasi the laissez-faire Duck character rises to full cartoonhood. With his aggressive womanfriend Anita and the wheeled sidekick Rollo, he visits that fabulous bistro of the Quackadero where time and space are sideshow attractions.

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