West of Zanzibar

“An unusually strong cast is the major asset of this powerful tale of murder and revenge with Chaney as a ‘witch-doctor' who sets up a jungle empire after Lionel Barrymore steals his wife and cripples him. He keeps the natives under control with his voodoo while having his ex-wife's daughter despoiled in a sleazy brothel and while plotting the murder of ivory trader Barrymore. The story is one of the weirdest of all the Browning/Chaney films...and one of the best. Warner Baxter is particularly seedy as the drunk doctor over whom Chaney holds power, and Mary Nolan is a fine fallen woman who gets caught in the middle of it all. The story was remade in 1932 as Kongo with Walter Huston, and while this later version may be a better crafted film, it lacks the unusually kinky appeal of the original. The only available prints are of the British release version which had some of the more objectionable material excised from the original 68-minute version.” Jon Mirsalis

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