Warriors of the Wind (Kaze No Tani No Naushika)

"This is a fable of the future, set one thousand years after a devastating war known as the 'Seven Days of Fire' in a small land known as the Valley of the Wind. The surviving inhabitants live beneath the Toxic Jungle and near the Sea of Decay; their skies are dominated by giant insects called Gorgons. Their most courageous leader is a young woman, Princess Zandra.... In the original Japanese version of Warriors, which has been trimmed by some twenty minutes for American release, Zandra was known as 'Naushika'...a version of Nausicaa, a woman warrior of Homeric legend who appears in The Odyssey. This beautifully drawn, magnificently animated piece of allegorical science-fiction was not created to appeal only to that narrow but lucrative 'kiddy-cartoon' segment of the film 'market.' It was conceived as a serious entertainment for the broadest possible audience. It has rightfully attracted an enormous following. Overriding everything else is the sheer beauty of its moving images." David Owens, Japan Society, N.Y.

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