Saturday, Aug 23, 1986
L'Ingorgo (Traffic Jam)
"L'Ingorgo is an all-star (Sordi, Mastroianni, Gerard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere, Fernando Rey, Annie Girardot, Miou-Miou), cautionary tale which puts a cross section of Italian society on the autostrada during a torrid August weekend--and leaves them there for all eternity. We get a vile businessman (Sordi, who else?) in his Jaguar, a movie star (Marcello), a Neapolitan family, four armed bourgeois neo-Fascists in a Mercedes, an ambulance with a dying man, a militant 'green' priest, and tutti quanti. The traffic jams. And jams. Evening comes. Those who survive the night are still unable to move the next morning--the entire country is in gridlock. The Exterminating Angel on wheels, L'Ingorgo is also an apocalyptic film without an apocalypse. The real disaster is everyday life, the way these people relate to one another. Their cars will eventually become their coffins. And with this impressive film...Comencini seems to be putting the lid on the coffin of Italian comedy--and of Italy--once and for all. La Commedia e finita!" Elliott Stein, Village Voice, 6/17/86
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