The Shadow of the Earth (Dhil Al-Ardh)

Filmed against thedesolate beauty of the Tunisian desert, The Shadow of the Earth portraysthe demise of a nomadic family as they struggle against the ravages ofnature and time: as wheat provisions slowly run out and the cattle beginto die of an unknown disease, so their ancient ways of existence aresteadily being eroded by the encroachment of modern values. This age-oldconflict is now overshadowed by the presence of the Middle East war.Living as an isolated community in a border camp are a patriarch, hisson, his nephews and their families. One by one the men leave, to jointhe army against their will, or to try their luck abroad; only the chiefand his daughter-in-law remain. (She is eloquently portrayed by theGreek actress Despina Tomazani.) When the young woman learns that herhusband's body has been returned from the war, she too leaves toretrieve the coffin. We share her first journey into the teeming portcity of Tunis-where her husband's coffin hangs suspended, seeminglyindefinitely, from the rafters of a ship. The French-Tunisianco-production was shot by Cuban cinematographer Ramon Suarez; hisravishing images are translated into a harsh lyricism by TaiebLouhichi's rhythmic system of quick fades, relentlessly snapping shutafter each stunning sequence.

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