Saturday, Sep 9, 1989
Jesus Christ's Horoscope (Jezus Krisztus horoszkopja)
Miklos Jancso established an international reputation as one of the great stylists of world cinema with early films including The Roundup (1965), The Confrontation and The Red and the White (1968), and Red Psalm (1971). Jancso is the master of the austere spectacle; his films plot turning points in Hungarian history as choreographed movement, vectors of belief and activity which cross each other and the landscape, often bloodying both. His latest film ("brilliant, dramatically challenging"--Variety) has a contemporary setting, and tells of the anguish of intellectuals who remained silent during a series of recent crises. The plot develops into an existential murder thriller, but the chaos of unsettled lives is coralled by Jansco's unique film language (his weaving camera, longshots and long takes now complemented by the use of multiple video images) which lends the timelessness of classicism to all it touches.
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