
An increasingly dreamlike mood of impendingdisaster surrounds a woman's search for her missing husband in this suspense film that speaks to theunspeakable "mystery" of Latin America's disappeared. Sonia (Charo Verastegui) travels to Malabrigo, aseacoast city in Peru, to meet her husband Victor, an accountant at the local fish meal factory. He isnowhere to be found. At the hotel, she meets a journalist who is investigating the sudden decline of thefishing industry and its impact on the economic life of the region. An explosion at the factory and aninsurance inquiry are the beginning of a spiral of lies and half-truths that close in on Sonia, who aloneknows that her husband did not die in the fire-and who comes to know more than she "should" about theplunder of Peru's natural resources and the demise of its institutions. " from Peru features theextraordinarily fine cinematography of the great Cuban cinematographer Mario Garcia Joya, and ahypnotic...atmosphere finely crafted by director Alberto Durant, in this, his second film. Durant weavestogether the past and the present, suggesting that the latter is doomed to repeat the former..." (TorontoFestival of Festivals).

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