Nude Restaurant

In this spoof of free-love and sixties energies the entire Warhol Factory cast go out for a naked lunch. The waitress at the Nude Restaurant is the lanky, loquacious Viva. She spends the first portion of the film preparing for work, in the john where she is at her most philosophical. In the cafe proper (if such a term can be used here), she is joined by a hilarious Taylor Mead, Louis Waldron and the others. Topics of discussion range from Viva's Catholic childhood to the efficacy of municipal laws, and Warhol's camera techniques-in-camera jump cuts, weavings and, at one point, no camera-serve as the punctuation for the naked ramblings. As Michael O'Pray wrote, "Nude Restaurant is a controversial film in the Warhol canon. It can be seen as an early feminist work, with a nude Viva physically and 'intellectually' dominating the proceedings...Her strident independence and sharp wit herald the new woman, replacing the vulnerable Edie (Sedgwick). For others, the film represents rock-bottom: witless, pornographic and visually uninteresting. Decide for yourselves."

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