Berkeley Square

The theme of traveling through time (and cultures) by a force created when dream and reality merge makes Berkeley Square an evident source for Surrealist artists. Andr?Breton, in What Is Surrealism?, wrote of Berkeley Square in the context of "the castle problem...I was able to satisfy myself, while meditating on a singular theme of a remarkable film entitled Berkeley Square, that the myth that reversions and intercessions are possible in such places is still very much alive; in this film the new owner of acastle manages, in a state of hallucination, not only to bring to life those who lived there in former times, but to mingle with them in such a way as to discover the solution to the problem of his present difficulties...Human psychism in its most universal aspect has found in the Gothic castle...a point of fixation so precise that it becomes essential to discover what would be the equivalent for our own period. (Everything leads us to believe that there is no question of it being a factory.)"

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