Moulin Rouge

German director E. A. Dupont in 1927 moved to Great Britain, bringing to his British productions (see Piccadilly, October 8) all the lush, intricate artistry characteristic of the German silents. This romantic melodrama, set in Paris and shot partly at the Casino de Paris, involves a young man who becomes infatuated with the Moulin Rouge star whose daughter he is about to marry. William K. Everson has observed, "One can hardly find a more efficient illustration of the almost total domination of the best British late silents by German talent....There is not a frame of the film which suggests in any way that it is British. Slow, methodical, self!shy;indulgent, it parallels exactly the best of the European and American films of that period that were making a dramatic last stand for the silent film, showing exactly what it could do as an art form..."

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