Monday, Jan 24, 1994
A.R.M. Around Moscow
Gretchen Stoeltje in Person The Cold War may have ended, but the passions of the New World Order are chilling in the dating doc, A.R.M. Around Moscow. A Los Angeles-based firm, A.R.M. (American-Russian Matchmaking) conducts tours to Moscow for American bachelors incapable of "buying" domestic. Finding a mate has become a global affair for these lonely, often crass men who use their economic assets as a pick-up line. Their Muscovite counterparts, the women are unlucky participants in a ritual of courtship that has more to do with property values than family values. Driven by bleak social conditions and Russian men who, as one women complains, "never polish their shoes," these potential partners long for the lulling land of Vegematics and two-car garages. Finley and Stoeltje capture the amusing mechanics of mating-the tacky banquets, the embarrassing processions, the photo albums with accompanying stats. At its heart, A.R.M. Around Moscow is about a new U.S. export, the feminist backlash. Where the Russian women yearn for liberation from an uncertain future, the American men look to a past when they were armed for domination.-Steve Seid
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