Sunday, Jan 22, 1995
The Clowns with Toby Dammit
Fellini's episode in thethree-part film Spirits of the Dead (Histoires extraordinaires) (theother episodes were directed by Roger Vadim and Louis Malle) is based onthe Poe story "Never Bet the Devil Your Head." Terence Stampstars as an actor whose trip from a ghostly airport along a nocturnalhighway is a masterpiece of modern macabre. "The great treat ofToby Dammit is that we get to see an extreme visual reality in a shortfilm. The flavor is apocalyptic late sixties...an awake dream of doublerealities. The modern landscape is riddled with doubt. A horizontalworld of airport interiors and television studios is revealed in complextableau. Crumbling solidities and chaos take on a visceral reality asRome again begins to burn on the ultra-modern wide, wide screen."(Nathaniel Dorsky)
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