Tuesday, Jan 24, 1995
The Primacy of Form: Peter Kubelka
Tonight's program provides a rare opportunity toview master filmmaker Peter Kubelka's 35mm films in their originalformat. "Measured against the works of (the) great composers (hesought to emulate-Bach, Schubert and Hauer), cinema as he knew itappeared to be 'amorphous,' without inner, logical structure. Thus,Kubelka set about reinventing his medium, and his films Adebar (1957),Schwechater (1958) and Arnulf Rainer (1960) are indeed veritablere-inventions of cinematography. In Adebar, the meeting of the sexes isstill recognizable as the theme, but the organization of the filmmaterial already follows a serial structure. In Schwechater, thisstructure has already become so complex that it has not onlydefinitively liberated itself from the content, but it has become theactual dominating element of the film. In 1960, with the production ofArnulf Rainer, the 'structural film,' as it later became known, wasborn. Arnulf Rainer simply consists of white and black frames, silenceand white noise, all created as a montage on the individual frames andorganized according to serial principles....(Kubelka's first film),Mosaic in Confidence was...no ordinary love story, but the firstAustrian film indisputably ranking among the avant-garde."-PeterTscherkassky
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