Our Blood Will Not Forgive

"Around the same time (asGate of Flesh, Suzuki) also made a series of unconventional crime films.Their frequent star, the matinee idol Akira Kobayashi, is an almostlanguid tough guy, Elvis with a pinch of Mitchum, who seems to benursing an inner wound....Our Blood Will Not Forgive (is) conceptuallyas well as visually exciting. Kobayashi is the eldest son of anassassinated yakuza boss who, on his deathbed, begged his offspring toforswear revenge and stay out of the family crime business. First Sonappears to comply, and maintains a false front of buttoned-downrespectability, but he's a worm-eaten secret sinner...The deep waters ofKobayashi's sullen soul are played off against the blunt nature of hismore conventionally rebellious kid brother (HidekiTakahashi)....Kobayashi's hypocritical yuppie gangster...gets a daringlylong, drawn out death scene, staggering around a barren countrylandscape, bleeding on the underbrush, until his sins are paid off withinterest and he is transfigured."-David Chute, Film Comment

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