• Wednesday, Feb 22, 1995


Panel Discussion: "Talking Turkey: TheChanging Identity of Women in the Middle East"

Throughout the seriesLifting the Veil, we have peered beneath the scrim of exoticism anddistance to view the complex status of women living in Muslim culture.Many of the films and videoworks have purposefully addressed thechallenge of representing cultural difference, others, engaging thefirst-person, have eschewed the problematic nature of the medium infavor of subjective solutions, while still others adhere to theconventional modes of documentary and ethnographic film. Yet thisdiversity of media approaches mirrors the subject of the series, womenwhose lives are linked across the many borders of the Mediterraneanbasin but, more importantly, through their immersion in Muslimsocieties. Join us for an informal discussion about media, women andculture. Focused on the premiere of Jeanne Finley's new work,Conversations Across the Bosphorous, the discussion invites reflectionupon the broader issues of Lifting the Veil. Participants: Claire Dannenbaum,filmmaker, Hajj and The Pupil of Her Hand in the Palm of Her Eye; JeanneFinley, photographer and video artist, currently the chair of the Filmand Video Department at the California College of Arts and Crafts; MeenaNanji, video artist, Voices of the Morning. Mine Ternar, collaborator onConversations Across the Bosphorous, artist and arts administrator;Canan Tolon, artist and designer.

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