Friday, Jul 28, 1995
Space Coast
Preceded by short: Voices from a Steeltown (Tony Buba, U.S., 1983): Buba's penetrating depiction of the decline of his hometown, Braddock, PA draws on the spunky and humorous observations of its citizens. (28 mins, Color, 16mm, From the artist) ------------------------------------With the winding down of the American space program following the moon landing missions of the late sixties, Cape Canaveral, Florida, slipped into an unprecedented economic depression from which the community has yet to recover. Curious about the effect of this boom/bust phenomenon on people who were not directly involved in the space industry, but who nevertheless lived in close proximity to it, filmmakers Michel Negroponte and Ross McElwee focused their cinema verité cameras on three unusual individuals...who had lived in the area since the forties....The film alternates episodes from the threesome's daily lives, documenting one American gothic detail after another in what the Village Voice has likened to a "neorealist version of The Gong Show."--Douglas Edwards, Filmex 1980
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