Sunday, Oct 15, 1995
Niki de Saint Phalle: Who Is the Monster-You or Me?
Please see introduction to Peter Schamoni, October 8. This is adramatic documentary with the French-American artist Niki de Sainte Phalle andher Swiss husband Jean Tinguely (who died in 1991). De Saint Phalle talks abouther life, her work, and her collaboration with Tinguely, famous for his kineticart ("I invent machines which aren't useful at all"). The film beginswith Niki's "shooting paintings" of the early sixties ("instead ofbecoming a terrorist, I became a terrorist in art"). It shows her work onthe voluptuous, colorful Nana figures; on The Devouring Mothers; on giantarchitectural sculptures including the Cathedral Woman Hon (Stockholm), Golem(Jerusalem), and the Stravinsky Fountain (Paris); and the construction andopening ceremony of the enormous sculpture garden in Tuscany, where the artistoptically depicts the twenty-two main tarot cards. Highlights are clippings fromNiki's own experimental films Daddy and A Dream-Longer than the Night withvarious grotesque performances by her and her husband.
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