Saturday, Oct 28, 1995
Tribute to George Stoney: Uprising of '34
George Stoney in Person Weare pleased to welcome George Stoney, an Emmy award-winning social documentarianand Professor of Film and Television at New York University. Stoney's work injournalism dates back to the thirties, and in film, to the forties. He worked inEngland on the famous documentary film units of the forties; in the U.S., workingmostly in the field of the sponsored educational film, he has focused largely onhis native South. In an arena where facts are not easily gleaned (nor accepted),behind every film is a story and Mr. Stoney is a master of the anecdote, lendingan important dimension to the films we will see. Uprising of'34 is a rare exploration of the forces that shape economic relations in theAmerican South, and an inquiry into the myths that have traditionally keptsouthern working people divided and powerless. In 1934, southern mill workersorganized forces of nearly half a million to protest inhumane working conditionsin the company-controlled mill villages. The largest labor revolt in southernhistory culminated in bloodshed and murder. Then, silence. Sixty years later,participants and their descendants talk.M
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