Sunday, Feb 7, 1988
A Man's Woman
Preceded by short: Kitchen Goddess (Annette Barbier, 1993). Duties around the kitchen,heightened by the scouring of gleaming surfaces, are ritualized and brieflytranscended in a work that combines computer-generated images and real dirt. (12mins) Based in part on the public personae of Anita Bryantand Phyllis Schlafly, A Man's Woman injects a TV-style docudrama with a heavydose of post-feminist theory. Clovis Kingsley, a powerful, anti-feministideologue and author of "The Power of Total Submission," isassassinated. A TV news reporter, Connie Yu, is assigned to uncover the mysteryof Kingsley's life, which is reconstructed in fractured and contradictoryflashbacks. In her effort to unravel the often conflicting truth of Kingsley'spolitics, Yu has to come to terms with her own preconceptions about the women'smovement. What she discovers-and what Kipnis daringly asserts-is that Kingsley'sseemingly retrogressive ideas about "total submission" are actuallysubversive grabs for female power. A Man's Woman offers a more inclusive view offeminist politics, uniting left and right through its relationship to malehegemony.-Steve Seid (54 mins)
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