
Preceded by short: Montage (RaymondDepardon, France, 3!nbsp;mins, 35mm). (Emergencies)."Urgences, shot in the emergency psychiatry unit of the Hôtel-Dieuhospital in Paris, constitutes Depardon's most accomplished documentary. He filmseveryday people in their neediness, their crises, their suffering, thanks to aperfectly rigorous mechanism. The frame, which remains fixed most of the time,and the distance established (between camera and subject), allow him to film thepatient-psychiatrist relationship with the power, rhythm, and density oftruth." (F.!nbsp;Sabouraud) Peter Scarlet notes, "Depardon's work bearsa superficial resemblance to that of Frederick Wiseman, however Depardon'sinterest is in individuals rather than institutions."

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