What Are Pina Bausch and Her Dancers Doing In Wuppertal?

Wuppertal is a drizzly industrial city on the Rhine where PinaBausch and her company have settled, turning it into a mecca for dance lovers.Klaus Wildenhahn, a socially engaged documentarian, attempts in this film to"locate" Bausch in this seemingly unlikely context. The dance company'sexcruciating rehearsal and performance schedule is captured. A critic offerssagacious comments on ballet dancers finishing their careers in theirmid-thirties-just when, according to Bausch, who is the leading exponent ofneo-expressionist dance theater, the "aspects of misery, suffering and fearof death should become an integral part of a dancer's spiritual and psychologicalmake-up." Wildenhahn's camera glides over the dancers' bodies as Bauschleads them through their paces. Then, leaving behind rehearsals of"Bandoneón" and "Walzer," Wildenhahn ventures out intothe streets of Wuppertal searching for the dance of the common people.

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