Sunday, Sep 29, 1996
Street of Shame
Mizoguchi's last completed film presents portraits of five prostitutes in abrothel called Dreamland in the Yoshiwara district of Tokyo. The women are in"the life" for a variety of reasons-including one would-be bride whofinds that being a whore might be preferable to being enslaved to a husband.Peter Morris calls the film "a realistic and violent study of the femininecondition°.In it, Mizoguchi seems to be seeking a new style, more detailed andaccumulative, which will allow him to reveal the underlying moral attitudes of asociety which creates 'red-light districts' and the people who inhabit them.Despite the intrusive melodramatic incidents, the film remains a penetratingsocial analysis (and) the acting is excellent." A box-office success at atime when prostitution was being debated in the Japanese Diet, it is said thatthe film contributed to the 1958 anti-prostitution ruling.
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