Private Wars

Philippine experimental filmmaker Nick Deocampo searches for his missing father in Private Wars. The title refers both to Nick's struggles to come to terms with his father's absence and his own homosexuality; and to his father's battles-with alcoholism, domestic violence, and his experiences in World War Two. Direct address, staged sequences from his family's history, and documentary footage are poetically intercut. Deocampo links his own decision to make films to his desire to create images in response to his father's painful absence. (65 mins, In English and Tagalog with English subtitles, Color, 16mm). Followed by: Isaak (Nick Deocampo, Philippines, 1994), an experimental meditation on father/son relations, based on the painting by Rembrandt, "The Sacrifice of Isaac." (10 mins, 35mm) -Kathy Geritz

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