Monday, Apr 20, 1998
Licensed to Kill
This new documentary by Arthur Dong (Coming Out Under Fire) won two prizes at last year's Sundance Film Festival and wide critical acclaim, such as this from the New York Times's Janet Maslin: "Bizarre civility permeates Arthur Dong's chilling documentary Licensed to Kill. The filmmaker politely interrogates a series of convicted killers about their crimes, all of which involved hatred of gay men. Himself the victim of a gay-bashing attack in San Francisco twenty years ago, Mr. Dong brings an implicit sense of outrage to these interviews, but he keeps it carefully in check. That lets him coax forth the killers' astonishing casualness and the shocking sense of entitlement with which they justify this brand of murder. (This) tough and thought-provoking film...goes beyond the knee-jerk ugliness of outright anti-gay prejudice to examine more indirect forms of anger. It underscores the perfect, unexamined nonchalance with which these killers have transferred their larger anxieties to gay men."
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