Saturday, Feb 13, 1999
Black God, White Devil 5:00
Followed by short:At Midnight with Glauber (Ivan Cardoso, Brazil, 1997). (A mela noite com Glauber). A conversation between Glauber Rocha, Helio Oiticica, and the director-with star appearances from José Mojica Marins and Paco Rabal. Quotes aggressively collide with images by Rocha, and this montage itself becomes a dialogue about cinema. Photographed by Haroldo de Campos. (16 mins, In Portuguese with English subtitles, Color/B&W, 35mm)(Deus e o diabo na terra do sol). "Black God, White Devil is the most beautiful thing I have seen in more than a decade, filled with a savage poetry."- Luis Buñuel With its roots in the legends and folk traditions of northeastern Brazil, Black God, White Devil is an epic exorcism of the violence and hunger-fed cultural derangements that have scarred that barren region for centuries. In near-hallucinatory images of astonishing power, and based in part on actual incidents, Rocha depicts the saga of two peasants, Manuel and Rosa, and a charismatic black beato, or messianic priest, whose authority threatens that of the Catholic Church and local landowners. Antonio das Mortes is hired to eliminate the "black god"; in an interesting twist, the job is done for him. When the priest's hunger-crazed followers are led to a massacre at the hands of government troops, Manuel and Rosa, the sole survivors, find a new leader in the cangaceiro Corisco, heroic bandit-champion of the oppressed. And so the loop closes: Corisco, the "white devil," will be Antonio das Mortes's next victim.
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