Friday, Oct 13, 2000
Pushed Out for Profit: Media Collectives Read Real Estate
Tonight's program features films and videos by media collectives past and present that analyze the distribution of public and private space. California Newsreel's People's Park (1969, 25 mins, B&W, 16mm) depicts the legendary battle over a Berkeley city block. A manifesto written by students and radical youth declared that corporate and university "property rights" couldn't be held over the rights of the people. Optic Nerve's Pushed Out for Profit (1978, 28 mins, Color, BetaSP) focuses on the consequences of housing speculation in the Bay Area in the late 1970s, documenting the efforts of families and communities in the Mission, the Castro, and Oakland to hold on to their homes and apartments as prices soared and evictions were the order of the day. Sound familiar? Video Activist Network will bring these issues up to date with an up-to-the-minute Real Estate Report (2000, c. 30 mins, Video). From Paper Tiger Television, Playing for Keeps: The Struggle to Save NYC Community Gardens (2000, Color, 28 mins, Video) documents the bulldozing of a Lower East Side garden to make way for "affordable housing." It asks the question, "affordable to whom?" and exposes the city's attempts to gentrify New York's poorest neighborhoods and destroy thriving communities.
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