Wednesday, Nov 7, 2001
Animal Attraction
Preceded by short: Everyday Problems of the Living, Parts 1 & 2.
Ernie, the cat, was acting out. General feline feistiness had escalated into something more akin to cat scratch fever. Normal behavior modification was getting nowhere. As a last desperate act, pet owner and artist Kathy High sought the aid of an animal communicator, Dawn Hayman, from Spring Farm, New York. At the upstate animal sanctuary, a herd of aspiring interspecies telepaths are honing their skills, becoming one with an array of barnyard beasts-horses, sheep, cats, chickens, and a llama that "communicates" in English, seemingly without an accent. For her part, Ms. Hayman is in constant mediation, communing with many a creature great and small. High is there too, camcorder in hand, recording these strange goings on between people and pets, relationships that fly in the face (or is that snout?) of human discourse-e–i–e–i–o! Purrfectly perched between bemusement and belief, Animal Attraction comes across like an episode of Mr. Ed Meets The Psychic Network. (59 mins) Everyday Problems of the Living, Parts 1 & 2 (Kathy High, U.S., 2001). Fearing her own death is imminent, the artist stages monthly meditations on mortality, often involving her cats, Oscar and Ernie, and dog, Lily. (10 mins)
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