
Heddy Honigmann is a thief. She confesses as much in a wry and forthright voiceover: though her days of youthful shoplifting are behind her, as a filmmaker, she says, “I steal images from reality.” All kinds of theft, from the petty to the metaphysical, are investigated in this gently probing film, made for Dutch public television as part of a documentary series on the Ten Commandments. In a deft collage of interviews, Honigmann explores the thrill of desire and the devastation of loss, showing as much fascination and empathy with pickpockets and con artists as with the victims of crime: a survivor of multiple muggings, robbed of the freedom to walk alone at night; an Argentinean woman whose family was taken by state terror; an aging farmer whose fundamentalist father left him missing a sister, a childhood, even the power of speech.

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