
High in some imaginary Alps, swathed in Expressionist shadow, sits the village of Tolzbad, where rosy-cheeked Aryans lead lives of utmost caution. Here, the smallest cry could trigger an avalanche, and the slightest misstep could be fatal; propriety is all, and passion is out of the question-until a young student at the Butler Gymnasium acts upon an incestuous dream. Then a Freudian maelstrom is unleashed, and the papier-mâché peaks shake with Sturm und Drang. A mountain film à la Leni Riefenstahl shot in a tawdry simulation of two-strip Technicolor, with purposely out-of-sync dubbing and drifts of audio snow, Careful represents a pinnacle of Maddin's talent for demented pastiche. But be careful-even while you chuckle at the film's stilted speeches and giddy absurdity, you may find yourself unexpectedly engulfed in an avalanche of emotion.

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