Sunday, Nov 14, 2004
Iron Fist
This rare, remarkable silent adventure opens with a young man experiencing his first shot of morphine; to try to describe the rest of the breathless plot would be futile, but suffice to say that it involves hints of bestiality, a mysterious gang, homosexual orgies, a lecture on the horrors of drug addiction punctuated by documentary footage of straitjacketed patients and deformed children, and a pipe-smoking ten-year-old boy detective who helps save the day. With its bizarre criminal intrigues juxtaposed against vividly realistic location shooting, Iron Fist recalls the French serials of Louis Feuillade. It has been cited as a trailblazing example of Surrealism in the country that fostered Kahlo and Buñuel, though it's unlikely either artist ever had a chance to see it-after a few screenings in Orizaba, Veracruz, in 1927, the film disappeared from public view until a restored version premiered in Mexico City in 2001.
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