Words in Progress (Free Screening!)

As the San Francisco International Film Festival draws to a close, PFA presents a playful and illuminating look at the ne plus ultra of festivals, the annual gathering at Cannes. Compiled by Gilles Jacob, former artistic director and now president of the Cannes festival, this montage of moments from some twenty–five years of press conferences portrays filmmakers engaged in a perennial dance with the press, the public, and one another. Godard comments on the plague of cell phones; Tarkovsky tangles with Bresson; the infinitely voluble Francis Ford Coppola predicts the advent of digital cinema decades before the fact; the merest monosyllable from Clint Eastwood falls like manna on the crowd. Clips are presented non–chronologically, and many personalities aren't identified onscreen, so the film creates a perfect opportunity for an informal game of Name That Director. We hope you will join us for this celebration of international film culture and "la folie cannoise."

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